An Anonymous Nonybird
Turning Water Into Wine
Recently I purchased The Complete Reader on audio. I'm not usually a fan of audio books, but when I reread the same book in a multi-book volume two or three times,
Recently I purchased The Complete Reader on audio. I'm not usually a fan of audio books, but when I reread the same book in a multi-book volume two or three times,
A lot going on lately. I was in mid-post a week and a day ago when I ran headfirst into a crisis. Not physical, spiritual. The crisis had to do with
If man's concept of himself were different, everything in his world would be different.Neville Goddard I woke today feeling energized and excited. The sense of something hanging over me, which has
I've been listening to Neville on audio for a few days now. I like the audio because it forces me to go through the books instead of constantly backtracking to
I have been drawing Queens almost nonstop lately. Today's card is the Queen of Cups. Obviously queen over the waters, she stands surrounded by the waves, with 2 large waterlilys in
Today I drew the nine of cups. Card from the Hermetic Tarot by Godfrey Dowson. Photo link goes to Amazon. The cups were the first set I started studying by examining
I'm relearning the tarot. This is the 3rd time I've picked them up, each time marking a new era in my life. The first time, I was in college and
Let's step back for a moment, and imagine our life as a reel of film. Now, pick any moment on that reel and watch it.
Neville Goddard says to repeat to yourself over and over, "I AM…" until this sinks in. "I AM Lord." As you come to realize it, to believe it, it will