So I started a Discord group called Conscious Imagination. It’s free. Come join the conversation.

Woke up this morning around 3:30. Tried to fall back asleep in my imagined bed, and instead I heard, “This is God’s vision.” After that, the scene changed, and I heard another comment, which I’ve completely forgotten. BUT after that, I suddenly saw a new explanation of Genesis 1:1-3 and the word Elohim. From that point, I couldn’t wait to get up and write this, but didn’t want to disturb anyone, and instead I fell back asleep for a couple hours, which is a good thing overall.

In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the waters. And the breath of Elohim hovered over the water. And Elohim said, Let there be light, and there was light.

Elohim can be male or female. In fact, in the first verse, the verb “created” is not sexualized. So we can read this: In the beginning, our (male and female) human imagination created the universe and the planet. And the planet had no shape and was empty and covered in darkness. And our breath (feminine; literally, our vital power) hovered over (feminine; literally, brooded and fertilized) the water. And in our human imagination, we (male and female) said (feminine) (a form of creation, that of speaking things into being), “Let there be _________, and there was _________.”

One of the things that hit me this morning. We are taught in the Christian faith and probably in the Jewish faith, that our creator is male. But the word used here doesn’t denote a sex. In fact the same word can be used for either sex.

Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear

Perhaps later names of God denote sex, but if that is the case, why wouldn’t this first introduction give us that information? As an allegory though, it makes perfect sense. It’s speaking to both men and women, boys and girls. And to those who hear, it’s like the Bible is saying, “Yes, I am talking to you, about you. You, your human imagination came first. And then it made universes and a world in particular, and that vital power of your’s took that world which was nothing, which was actually less than nothing, it was emptiness, and you fertilized and hatched the world into being; you turned that world into a shape and filled it up, and your first creative act was to turn on the lights.

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